UX & UI design / Project management

imi.guides Website

Content-rich website supporting the mental health and wellness of LGBTQ+ teens.




UX & Project Manager


Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Google Workspace, Google Analytics, Squarespace, Memberspace, Typeform, Slack
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San Francisco based innovation studio, Hopelab, created “imi guides” – guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help them explore their identity and support their mental health. The Hopelab team used the Squarespace platform for this content-rich site, but needed help making the site feel less like it had been designed from a template and more compelling and appealing to their young audience.


Expand and enhance design, functionality, interactivity and member tracking for new product launch. Transform the Squarespace template to a new custom design. Adhere to and expand evolving brand guidelines. Integrate Memberspace login functionality to enable trackable testing with University of PA. Integrate widgets with custom code.


  • Performed UX audit and presented recommendations.
  • Researched and integrated 3rd party tools and widgets.
  • Created requirements, managed designers, and managed the development and QA team to deliver results in an agile workflow.
  • Integrated Memberspace into Squarespace and configured to allow Data Culture (third-party analytics) to build tracking and analysis.
  • Documented custom code changes and provided guidelines for DIY content updates.
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